OATSCON25 - Feb 6+7, 2025

Where: In-Person at the Beck's Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette
When: Feb 6+7, 2025
Agenda: OATSCON25 Agenda
Thanks to all who participated!
Click here for access to presenter slides from the two days.


Many of the most promising avenues for sustainable food-ag system improvements involve novel applications of sensing, networking, and computation to big data science, visualization, and analytics. Powerful data sets and models continue to be developed at the plot, watershed, and even regional level from these research efforts. However, there are fundamental issues impeding progress in data-driven sustainability and preventing translation of research into practice:

  • Issue 1: The full value in data is only realized when it can be integrated from multiple, context-rich sources in ways that adhere to trust requirements of its owners.
  • Issue 2: The data and algorithms produced by publicly-funded food/ag research are not easily obtainable for verification, extension, or translation to practice.
  • Issue 3: The rapid rise of data-driven agriculture has left many stakeholders short of the proper data analytics, software development, and computational thinking skills necessary to thrive.
  • Issue 4: The information technologies used in the food/ag industry and in university research lag behind the state of the art due in part to the absence of thriving open source communities that have propelled progress in the broader technology sector.

These issues are solvable by open source
data and algorithm exchange paradigms, so much so that we believe data exchange among systems, people, and projects is the most critical component for achieving data-driven sustainability goals. To harness the data revolution in agriculture we must therefore address the key attributes of data flow to empower agriculture which are

  1. trust
  2. automatable data exchange, and
  3. interoperability.

OATS faculty believe these attributes require levels of code-based standardization only achieved through the open source development paradigm. Helping to bring this open source culture to agriculture is the mission and focus of the OATS Center at Purdue University.

Read how "Ag's Future Belongs to Open Source"


Large-Scale Cell Coverage Analysis for UAV's
Overcoming the Digital Divide
Automated INDOT Records from GPS Tracks
Sun/Shadow Prescription Maps
Traceability Trees
Rethinking Connectivity in Agriculture at OATSCON23
GROW: your field knowledge
Measuring LoRaWAN Performance
Meet LoRa, Your New Best Friend
ISOBlue Avena at OATSCON23
Rethinking Digital Ag Communications
Per-Cow Intake Monitoring Poster
Nitrogen Management
Smart Pivot+ Poster
Smart Pivot+ Video

Webinars and Talks


The Great 2021 Pork Hackathon Series - Part1: Shipping Results from OATSCON21
ISOBlue Avena Live!

IoT for Everyone!, Part 1

IoT for Everyone!, Part 2

Ag Gateway 2020 - Lessons Learned from Technology Adoption: Moving into the Digital Age of Farming

Ag Gateway 2020 - A Primer on Rural Wireless Communications

Ag Gateway 2020 - Large-Scale Cellular Coverage Analyses for UAV Data Relay via Channel Modeling

Ag Gateway 2020 - Heat Units: a python tutorial (MyBinder Link)

AGAPECert Presentation

Using Trello on your Farm / Agribusiness

Tutorial: OADA + FieldWorkApp Quick Getting Started

ISOBlue How To Video: Part 1

ISOBlue How To Video: Part 2

ISOBlue How To Video: Part 3

Featured Projects

Additional Projects


The Open Ag Data Alliance is an open source REST API specification intended to facilitate automation and interoperability between food/ag data systems. It includes an open source implementation built on Apache Kafka and deployable anywhere with Docker.


Purdue OATS is a key partner in this Engineering Research Center sponsored by NSF. It is led by the University of Pennsylvania and includes collaborators from University of Florida and University of California - Merced.


The Wabash Heartland Innovation Network is a result of a Lilly Endowment gift to a 10 county region of west central Indiana. Purdue OATS developments help to propel agricultural technology and demonstrations and deployment.


The Aerial Experimentation and Research Platform for Advanced Wireless research, centered at the University of North Carolina is using Purdue OATS ISOBlue technology.


Purdue’s OATS faculty and students contribute to the Joint Transportation Research Program with technology and analytics to improve traffic systems.

Our Team


  • Melba M. Crawford
    Associate Dean of Engineering for Research and Professor of Agronomy, Civil Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering
    [email protected]
    Link to Bio
  • James Garrison
    Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Electrical and Computer Engineering/Division of Environmental and Ecological Engineering by courtesy
    [email protected]
    Link to Bio


Current Students

  • Byunghyun Lee
    Byunghyun Lee
    Graduate Research Assistant

Former Faculty, Students, and Staff

  • McKinley Flinders
    McKinley Flinders
    Graduate Research Assistant
  • Landon Feese
    Landon Feese
    Graduate Research Assistant
  • Sam Noel
    Samuel Noel
    Graduate Research Assistant-Db
  • Servio Palacios
    Graduate Student
  • Matt Koester
    Matthew Koester
    Student Service - Db
  • Cyrus Bowman
    Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Jeff Fiechter
    Graduate Research Assistant

  • Larry Biehl
    Larry L. Biehl
    PTO Systems Manager
  • Paul Thieme
    Graduate Research Assistant-Db
    Link to Bio
  • Nathan Givens
    Undergraduate Research Assistant
  • Amelia Lindsay
    Graduate Student

Publications & Presentations


Pathak, H., Zhang, Y., Sprague, N. C., Buckmaster, D. R., Evans, J. T., Chaterji, S., & Krogmeier, J. V. (2023, December). Autonomous Navigation in Digital Agriculture: Using the Segment-Anything-Model for Corn Row Identification. In 2023 IEEE India Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (InGARSS) (pp. 1-4). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/InGARSS59135.2023.10490329

Pathak, H., Warren, C. J., Buckmaster, D. R., & Wang, D. R. (2024). Advancing Adaptive Agricultural Strategies: Unraveling Impacts of Climate Change and Soils on Corn Productivity Using APSIM. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Harsh-Pathak-4/publication/382825867_Advancing_Ada[…]mate-Change-and-Soils-on-Corn-Productivity-Using-APSIM.pdf

Pathak, H., Buckmaster, D. R., Messina, C. D., & Wang, D. (2023, November). Optimizing Irrigation Management for Sustainable Corn Production: A Simulation Study Using APSIM. In ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. ASA-CSSA-SSSA. https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2023am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/152055


Hawkins, E.M. and D.R. Buckmaster. 2023. Improving yield data analysis using contextual data. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. doi: https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.14655 https://elibrary.asabe.org/abstract.asp?aid=54282

Buckmaster, D.R. 2023. Simple personal databases – make your records digital simply. A recorded workshop. https://ag.purdue.edu/news/2023/06/simple-personal-databases-make-your-records-digital-simply.html

Buckmaster, D.R. 2023. Digital horticultural crop activity records. An Airtable template with tutorial videos. https://ag.purdue.edu/news/2023/01/digital-horticulture-crop-activities-records.html

Buckmaster, D.R. 2022. Digital field records: an easy way. An Airtable template with tutorial videos. https://ag.purdue.edu/news/2022/04/digital-field-records.html

Buckmaster, D.R. 2022. Digital records for FSMA: free toolkit. A set of Airtable templates with tutorial videos. https://ag.purdue.edu/news/2022/02/digital-records-for-fsma.html

Soonthornsima, K. and D.R. Buckmaster. 2022. Digital marketing and grain delivery records. An Airtable template with tutorial videos. https://ag.purdue.edu/news/2022/09/digital-marketing-delivery-records.html

Keshavamurthy, B. and Zhang, Y. (2022). Propagation measurements and analyses at 28GHz on NSF POWDER. (v1.0) [Data set]. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Rome, Italy. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7178597.

Mahlberg, J., Zhang, Y., Jha, S., Mathew, J.K., Li, H., Desai, J., Kim, W., McGuffey, J., Wells, T., Krogmeier, J.V. and Bullock, D.M., 2021. Development of an intelligent snowplow truck that integrates telematics technology, roadway sensors, and connected vehicle. Joint Transportation Research Program Publication (JTRP) Technical Reports No. FHWA/IN/JTRP-2021/27. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. DOI: 10.5703/1288284317355.

Zhang, Y., Jyoti, S., Anderson, C.R., Love, D.J., Michelusi, N., Sprintson, A. and Krogmeier, J.V., 2017, November. 28-Ghz channel measurements and modeling for suburban environments. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Reports No. TR-ECE-17-07. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. [Open access]

Sadeghi, L., Zhang, Y., Balmos, A., Krogmeier, J.V. and Haddock, J.E., 2016. Algorithm and software for proactive pothole repair. Joint Transportation Research Program Publication (JTRP) Technical Reports No. FHWA/IN/JTRP-2016/14. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. DOI: 10.5703/1288284316337.

Jha, S., Zhang, Y., Park, B., Cho, S., Krogmeier, J.V., Bagchi, T. and Haddock, J.E., 2023. Data-driven web-based patching management tool using multi-sensor pavement structure measurements. Transportation Research Record. DOI: 10.1177/03611981231167161.

Basir, M.S., Zhang, Y., Buckmaster, D.R., Raturi, A. and Krogmeier, J.V., 2023. Meta Ag: An Automatic Contextual Agricultural Metadata Collection App. In 2023 ASABE Annual International Meeting (p. 1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. DOI: 10.13031/aim.202300917.

Jha, S., Zhang, Y., Park, B., Cho, S., Krogmeier, J.V., Bagchi, T. and Haddock, J.E., 2023. Data-driven web-based patching management tool using multi-sensor pavement structure measurements. In 2023 Transportation Research Board (TRB) 102nd Annual Meeting. TRB. [arXiv preprint]

Zhang, Y., Krogmeier, J.V., Anderson, C.R. and Love, D.J., 2023. Large-scale cellular coverage simulation and analyses for follow-me UAV data relay. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TWC.2023.3298546.

Zhang, Y., Krogmeier, J.V., Anderson, C.R. and Love, D.J., 2022. Overcoming the digital divide by large-scale coverage analyses for mmWave cellular networks. In 2022 56th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (pp. 1190-1194). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/IEEECONF56349.2022.10051865.

Keshavamurthy, B., Zhang, Y., Anderson, C.R., Michelusi, N., Krogmeier, J.V. and Love, D.J., 2022. A robotic antenna alignment and tracking system for millimeter wave propagation modeling. In 2022 United States National Committee of URSI National Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI NRSM) (pp. 145-146). IEEE. DOI: 10.23919/USNC-URSINRSM57467.2022.9881448. [arXiv preprint]

Zhang, Y., Jha, S., Bullock, D.M. and Krogmeier, J.V., 2021, September. Generating dynamic prescription maps for winter road treatment via sun-shadow simulation. In 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) (pp. 3387-3392). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/ITSC48978.2021.9565055. [Virtual presentation]

F. A. Castiblanco, J.V. Krogmeier, D. J. Love, and D. R. Buckmaster, “Delay Tolerant Networking Based on Machine-to-Machine Communications,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting 2023, July 9-12 2023, https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.202300616.

Pathak, H., Buckmaster, D., Messina, C., & Wang, D. (2023). Crop growth model: Optimal Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer in Corn for Economic Returns and Environmental Sustainability. In 2023 ASABE Annual International Meeting (p. 1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.202300421

Basir, M. S., Zhang, Y., Buckmaster, D. R., Raturi, A., & Krogmeier, J. V. (2023). "Meta Ag: An Automatic Contextual Agricultural Metadata Collection App." In 2023 ASABE Annual International Meeting (p. 1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.202300917

Lee, Byunghyun, et al. "Data Fusion-Based Predictive Beamforming for Downlink UAV-Assisted Massive MIMO Communication." Submitted to IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.04916

G. Hundal, C. Laux, D. Buckmaster, M. Sutton, M. Langemeier, "Exploring Barriers to the Adoption of Internet of Things-Based Precision Agriculture Practices" in Agriculture 2023, 13(1), 163; https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13010163.


S. Palacios, A. Ault, J. V. Krogmeier, B. Bhargava and C. G. Brinton, "AGAPECert: An Auditable, Generalized, Automated, Privacy-Enabling Certification Framework with Oblivious Smart Contracts," in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1109/TDSC.2022.3192852.

Balmos, A. D., Castiblanco, F. A., Neustedter, A. J., Krogmeier, J. V., & Buckmaster, D. R. (2022). ISOBlue Avena: A Framework for Agricultural Edge Computing and Data Sovereignty. IEEE Micro, 42(1), 78-86. https://doi.org/10.1109/MM.2021.3134830

A. Ault, S. Palacios, J. Evans. Ag Data Sharing: Tools in the Technological Toolbox and Implementation in the Open Ag Data Alliance Framework. Special Section of Agronomy Journal: Big Data Promises and Obstacles: Agricultural Ownership and Privacy. Jan 2022. https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.21007


Neustedter, A. J., Arakawa, T., Zhang, Y., Castiblanco, F. A., Layton, A., Balmos, A., ... & Buckmaster, D. (2021). Enabling Visualization and Processing of Location-Based Data via OADA’s Client-Selectable Live Data Graphs. In 2021 ASABE Annual International Virtual Meeting (p. 1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.202101126

Zhang, Y., D.J. Love, J.V. Krogmeier, C.R. Anderson, R.W. Heath, and D.R. Buckmaster. 2021. Challenges and opportunities of future rural wireless communications. IEEE Communications Magazine, 59(12), pp.16-22. .

Noel, S., A. Ault, D.R. Buckmaster and J.V. Krogmeier. 2021. A rainfall-based, sequential depression-filling algorithm and assessments on a watershed in Northeastern Indiana. J. Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020MS002362. 12 pp.

Chaterji, S., N. Delay, J. Evans, N. Mosier, B. Engel, D. Buckmaster, M. Ladisch, and R. Chandra. 2021. LATTICE: A Vision for Machine Learning, Data Engineering, and Policy Considerations for Digital Agriculture at Scale. IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society. 2:227-240.


Balmos, A. D., Buckmaster, D. R., Krogmeier, J. V. 2020. “GROW: Per-field Growing Degree Day Accumulation in Support of Data Assisted Logistics Planning,” American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2020 ASABE Annual International Meeting. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15Aibcao4YNynT2189_uiGypXpMubGx8vZIaK9dTuoyo/edit?usp=sharing

Buckmaster, D., Noel, S. A. 2020. A Rainfall-based, Sequential Depression-filling Algorithm and Applications on a Watershed in Northeastern Indiana, USA. Purdue University Research Repository. doi: 10.4231/S2B6-J628

Layton, A., Arakawa, T., Noel, S., Balmos, A., Ault. A., Krogmeier, J.V., and Buckmaster, D. R. “The OADA API: An ag-inspired intercloud REST-like API framework for increasing data freedom and interoperability,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, (manuscript submitted - 2021).

Layton, A., J. V. Krogmeier, A. Alut, and D. R. Buckmaster. 2020. “From yield history to management zone identification with hidden markov random fields,” Precision Agri- culture, vol. 21, pp. 762–781, Aug. 2020.

Wang, Y. 2020. “Weighing Wireless Options,” Irrigation Today, Spring 2020, pp. 23–24. https://irrigationtoday.org/features/weighing-wireless-options/

Wang, Y., Liu, H., Krogmeier, J., Reibman, A., Buckmaster, D. 2020. "ISOBlue HD: An Open-Source Platform for Collecting Context-Rich Agricultural Machinery Datasets" Sensors 20, no. 20: 5768.

Y., T. Arakawa, J. V. Krogmeier, C. R. Anderson, D. J. Love and D. R. Buckmaster. 2020. "Large-Scale Cellular Coverage Analyses for UAV Data Relay via Channel Modeling," ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dublin, Ireland, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICC40277.2020.9149403. [Virtual presentation]

Zhang, Y., J. A. Tan, B. M. Dorbert, C. R. Anderson and J. V. Krogmeier. 2020. "Simulation-Aided Measurement-Based Channel Modeling for Propagation at 28 GHz in a Coniferous Forest," GLOBECOM 2020 - 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/GLOBECOM42002.2020.9322386.

Zhang, Y., Krogmeier, J. 2020. “Combine Kart Truck GPS data archive. (Version 1.1).” Purdue University Research Repository. DOI: 10.4231/GMH9-8X88.

Zhang, Y., Krogmeier, J.V., Ault, A. and Buckmaster, D., 2020. “APT3: automated product traceability trees generated from GPS tracks,” Transactions of the ASABE, p.0, DOI: 10.13031/trans.13384.


Arakawa, T., J. V. Krogmeier and D. J. Love, "Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer: An S-Parameter Approach," 2019 53rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 1896-1900, doi: 10.1109/IEEECONF44664.2019.9049059.

Netherly, T. G., Trout, M. E., Bell, E., Buckmaster, D. 2019. Combined annual crop yields and daily weather data for Midwest counties 1970-2015. Purdue University Research Repository. doi: 10.4231/5P9A-KQ03

Raturi, A. and D. Buckmaster. Growing plants, raising animals, and feeding communities through connected agriculture: An IoT challenge. 2019. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. 2(4):38-43. doi: IOTM.0001.1900105

Rogers, M. and R. C. Stevens.2019. 2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting. “Real-Time Corn Grain Measurement Device Using Stereo Vision,” 1900422, doi: 10.13031/aim.201900422

Wang, Y., Y. Zhang, J.V. Krogmeier, and D.R. Buckmaster. 2019. “Combine Harvester Unloading Event Inference Using GPS Data,” in 2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting. p. 1, doi: 10.13031/aim.201901286.

Zhang, Y., Love, D.J., Michelusi, N., Krogmeier, J.V., Jyoti, S., Sprintson, A. and Anderson, C.R. 2019. “February. Improving millimeter-wave channel models for suburban environments with site-specific geometric features,” ACES Journal Special Issue on ACES 2018 Denver Conference: Part 2, Vol. 34, No. 2. https://aces-society.org/includes/downloadpaper.php?of=ACES_Journal_February_2019_Paper_46&nf;=19-2-46

Zhang, Y., Anderson, C.R., Michelusi, N., Love, D.J., Baker, K.R. and Krogmeier, J.V. 2019. June. “Propagation modeling through foliage in a coniferous forest at 28 GHz,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 901-904, doi: 10.1109/LWC.2019.2899299


Arakawa, T., S. Goguri, J. V. Krogmeier, A. Kruger, D. J. Love, R. Mudumbai, M. A. Swabey, “Optimizing Wireless Power Transfer from Multiple Transmit Coils,” in IEEE Access, vol.6, pp.23828-23838, April 2018, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2825290.

Arakawa, T., J. V. Krogmeier and D. J. Love, "Channel Modeling for Wireless Information and Power Transfer using Inductive Coupling," 2018 52nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 2018, pp. 482-486, doi: 10.1109/ACSSC.2018.8645307.

Ault, A., J. Krogmeier, D. Buckmaster. 2018. `Why Ag's Future Belongs to Open Source.' ASABE Resource Magazine, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 7 - 9, March/April 2018. https://tinyurl.com/ag-open-source-future

Buckmaster, D. R., J. Krogmeier, A. Ault, S. Noel, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, A Layton, and A. Balmos. 2018. Use cases for real time data in agriculture. 14th Int’l Conference on Precision Agriculture. https://www.ispag.org/proceedings/?action=abstract&id;=5394&title;=Use+Cases+for+Real+Time+Data+in+Agriculture

Layton, A.W., S. Noel, Y. Wang, A. Balmos, A. Ault, J. V. Krogmeier, and D. Buckmaster. 2018. “The trellis framework for automatic food safety data transfer,” in 2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

Noel, S., Ault, A., Wang, Y., Layton, A., Balmos, A., Krogmeier, J., & Buckmaster, D. 2018. Real-time on-farm yield trials powered by open-source: connecting ISOBlue, OADA, and the Trials Tracker App. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting, 2018. doi: 10.13031/aim.201801597.

Wang, Y., A. Balmos, D. Buckmaster and J. Krogmeier. 2018. Data-driven agricultural machinery activity anomaly detection and classification. 14th In’tl Conference on Precision Agriculture. https://www.ispag.org/proceedings/?action=abstract&id;=5338&title;=Data-Driven+Agricultural+Machinery+Activity+Anomaly+Detection+and+Classification

Zhang, Y., Jyoti, S., Anderson, C.R., Love, D.J., Michelusi, N., Sprintson, A. and Krogmeier, J.V. 2018. May. “28-GHz channel measurements and modeling for suburban environments,” in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/ICC.2018.8422820.

Zhang, Y., Love, D.J., Michelusi, N., Krogmeier, J.V., Jyoti, S., Sprintson, A. and Anderson, C.R. 2018. March. “Improving millimeter-wave channel models for suburban environments with site-specific geometric features,” in 2018 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES) (pp. 1-2). IEEE. DOI: 10.23919/ROPACES.2018.8364140.

Buckmaster, D., J. Krogmeier, A. Ault, S. Noel, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, A. Layton, A. Balmos. 2018. Use cases for real time data in agriculture. Proc. of 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. https://www.ispag.org/proceedings/?action=download&item=5394.

Y. Wang, D. R. Buckmaster, and J. V. Krogmeier, “Data-Driven Agricultural Machinery Activity Anomaly Detection and Classification,” in Fourteenth International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (June 2018).

Y. Zhang, A. Balmos, J. V. Krogmeier, and D. R. Buckmaster, “Generating Product Traceability Trees for Harvesting from GPS Tracks,”  in ASABE Annual International Meeting, Detroit, MI (July 2018).


Arakawa, T, A. C. Marcum, J. V. Krogmeier and D. J. Love. 2017. "Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer over inductively coupled circuits," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, LA, 2017, pp. 3769-3773, doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2017.7952861.

A. W. Layton, Y. Zhang, J. V. Krogmeier, and D. R. Buckmaster, “Determining Harvesting Efficiency via Multiple Combine GPS Logs,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting (doi: 10.13031/aim.201700816), paper number 1700816, Spokane, WA (July 2017).

Y. Zhang, A. Balmos, J. V. Krogmeier, and D. R. Buckmaster, “Dynamic High-Precision Field Shape Generation via Combine GPS Tracks,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting} (doi: 10.13031/aim.201700809), paper number 1700816, Spokane, WA (July 2017).

Y. Zhang, A. Ault, J. V. Krogmeier, D. R. Buckmaster, and J. L. Krogmeier, “Activity Recognition for Harvesting via GPS Tracks,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting (doi: 10.13031/aim.201700813), paper number 1700813, Spokane, WA (July 2017).

Y. Wang, A. D. Balmos, A. W. Layton, S. Noel, A. Ault, J. V. Krogmeier, and D. R. Buckmaster, “An Open Source Infrastructure for Real-Time Automatic Machine Data Processing,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting (doi: 10.13031/aim.201701022), paper number 1701022, Spokane, WA (July 2017).


A. D. Balmos, A. W. Layton, A. Ault, J. V. Krogmeier, and D. R. Buckmaster, “Investigation of Bluetooth Communications for Low-Power Embedded Sensor Networks in Agriculture,” Transactions of ASABE, Vol. 59, No. 5, pages 1021-1029, 2016.

Y. Wang, A. D. Balmos, A. W. Layton, S. Noel, J. V. Krogmeier, and D. Buckmaster, “CANDroid: Freeing ISOBUS Data and Enabling Machine Data Analytics,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting, paper number 2459827, Orlando, FL (July 2016).  

A. Layton, Y. Wang, J. V. Krogmeier, and D. R. Buckmaster, “Robust Estimation of Field Management Zones Using Multi-Year Yield Data and a Hidden Markov Random Field,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting, paper number 162461641, Orlando, FL (July 2016).

Buckmaster, D., J. Krogmeier, A. Ault. 2016. Digital Ag systems in the US & possible lessons for Australia, paper presented at Digital Disruption in Agriculture Conference, Sydney, 2-3 June, 2016. //farminstitute.org.au/LiteratureRetrieve.aspx?ID=154000.


S. Noel, D. Buckmaster, J. Krogmeier, A. Ault, and D. Hackney, “Assessing the Value of Low Cost Versus High Cost Soil Moisture Sensors,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting, paper number 152190968, New Orleans, LA (July 2015).

A. Layton, A. D. Balmos, A. Ault, J. Krogmeier, and D. Buckmaster, “Real-Time Cellular Streaming of ISOBUS Data: Network Considerations and Prototype Design,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting, paper number 152189113, New Orleans, LA (July 2015).

M. R. Koester, D. Buckmaster, A. Ault, and J. Krogmeier, “Accurate Manure Application Records -- Almost Automatically,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting, paper number 152189297, New Orleans, LA (July 2015).


A. W. Layton, A. D. Balmos, S. Sabpisal, A. Ault, J. V. Krogmeier, and D. Buckmaster, “ISOBLUE: An Open Source Project to Bring Agricultural Machinery Data into the Cloud,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting, paper number 141929380, Montreal, Quebec, CA (July 2014).

J. T. Welte, M. Koester, C. Bowman, D. R. Buckmaster, J. V. Krogmeier, and A. C. Ault, “Structures, Features, and Benefits of the Open Ag Toolkit Approach to Farm Management Information Systems,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting, paper number 141929389, Montreal, Quebec, CA (July 2014).

A. D. Balmos, A. W. Layton, A. Ault, J. V. Krogmeier, and D. Buckmaster, “Toward Understanding the Errors in Online Air-Ride Suspension Based Weight Estimation,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting, paper number 141897468, Montreal, Quebec, CA (July 2014).


J. Welte, A. Ault, C. Bowman, A. Layton, S. Noel, J. Krogmeier, and D. Buckmaster, “Autogenic Mobile  Computing Technologies in Agriculture: Applications and Sensor Networking for Smart Phones and Tablets,” in EFITA/WCCA/CIGR 2013 Conference: Sustainable Agriculture Through ICT Innovation, Torino, Italy (June 2013).

J. T. Welte, A. C. Ault, C. Bowman, S. Ellis, D. R. Buckmaster, D. Ess, and J. V. Krogmeier, “An Approach to Farm Management Information Systems Using Task-Specific, Collaborative Mobile Apps and Cloud Storage Services,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting, paper number 131579954, Kansas City, MO (July 2013).

A. D. Balmos, A. W. Layton, A. Ault, J. V. Krogmeier, and D. R. Buckmaster, “Investigation of Bluetooth Communications for Low-Power Embedded Sensor Networks in Agriculture,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting, paper number 131620559, Kansas City, MO (July 2013).

A. C. Ault, J. V. Krogmeier, and D. Buckmaster, “Mobile, Cloud-Based Farm Management: A Case Study with Trello on My Farm,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting, paper number 131593538, Kansas City, MO (July 2013).

S. A. Noel, A. Ault, D. Buckmaster, B. Engel, J. Frankenberger, I. Chaubey, J. Krogmeier, and D. C. Flanagan, “Watershed Delineation in the Field: A New Approach for Mobile Applications Using LiDAR Elevation Data,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting, paper number 131620655, Kansas City, MO (July 2013).


A. Balmos, A. Layton, D. Hancock, A. Ault, J. V. Krogmeier, and D. Buckmaster, “Wireless Load Weight Monitoring via a Mobile Device Based on Air Suspension Pressure,” in ASABE Annual International Meeting, paper number  121337075, Dallas, TX (July 2012).

Github Organizations/Code Repositories

ISOBlue: https://github.com/isoblue

Modus Soil Health Libraries: https://github.com/oats-center/modus

OATS Center Projects: https://github.com/oats-center

The Open Ag Data Alliance (OADA) Framework: https://github.com/oada

The Trellis Framework: https://github.com/trellisfw

The Open Ag Toolkit: https://github.com/openatk

Contact Us

OATS is housed in the ABE building of the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering and the MSEE Building of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering on the West Lafayette campus of Purdue University.

For additional information about the Center, please contact: [email protected].

Address of OATS:

Open Ag Technology and Systems Center
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
225 South University St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2093


We are actively seeking contributors for our projects, so if you'd like to help, please contact us for more information. A special thanks to all who have contributed, including:

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Purdue University Logo
CNHI Industrial Logo
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Land O' Lakes, inc logo
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The Mixing Bowl - Connecting innovators in food, ag, and it Logo
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Microsoft Logo
Solinftec Logo
Arva Intelligence Logo
Centricity Logo
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Nebraska Logo
Wilson Produce Logo
Primus Labs Logo
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